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How to track your payments and expenses

Now you can easily track your lesson payments, expenses and any extra finances.

Step by step:

Tracking your payments and expenses in GoRoadie Pro is a straightforward and hassle-free way to stay on top of the finances for your business.

You can record a new payment or expense from the Quick Menu, or in the Finances tab.

To log an expense, all you need to add is the date, amount, and payment method. For more detailed record keeping, you can choose an expense category, like “Franchise fees” or “Insurance”.

For recurring fees, simply set when the expense repeats and GoRoadie Pro will update your records automatically at that time.

For tracking payments during a driving lesson, we recommend watching our “How to record lesson payments” video, but if recording lesson fees outside of lesson, or taking any other type of payment, such as a “payout” or “referral fee”, adding a payment is just as easy as tracking an expense. Once you’ve added the date, amount, and payment method, you can note any other important details of the transaction.

Tap ‘Add’, and you’ll be given an overview of your recent activity in Finances. Here you can view weekly, monthly and yearly summaries of your incoming payments, outgoing expenses and total profit.

The Finance tab shows a summary of your total income and outgoings, and you can view all of your income, or expenses, ordered by date. This makes it easy to find a specific transaction. Tap to view the full details.