ADI Continued Professional Development (ADI CPD) in Glasgow

What is CPD?

Continuing professional development (CPD) is service/training driving instructors can do voluntary. This will allows ADIs keep their skills up to date. What more the ADI decide how they do it and pay any costs involved.

Types of CPD

As an approved driving instructor (ADI), you can take CPD in several ways. Driving instructors can can:

  • update their teaching methods or driving skills
  • attend local or national meetings or seminars
  • research new cars for their business
  • spend time developing their business skills
  • go on formal courses
  • spend time researching on the internet
  • network with other driving instructors

Record your CPD

The CPD you take should link with the competencies in the driver trainer competencies.

Commit to CPD

Instructors can record your commitment to CPD if you do at least 7 hours of CPD every year. Their commitment to CPD will be highlighted on their GoRoadie profiles as well as through the official DVSA goverment website.

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