15 of the Best Driving Themed Songs
Want to liven up your driving experience? Look no further and make sure to have this playlist prepared next time you go for a drive!

Here is the Playlist you need:
- Life is a Highway (Rascall Flatts)
- Highway To Hell (ACDC)
- Slow Ride – 45 Version (Foghat)
- Life in the Fast Lane (Eagles)
- Driver's Seat (Sniff 'n' The Tears)
- Up Around the Bend (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
- Just What I Needed (The Cars)
- 2-4-6-8 Motorway (Tom Robinson Band)
- She Drives Me Crazy (Fine Young Cannibals)
- Ocean Drive (Duke Dunmont)
- Body Like A Back Road (Sam Hunt)
- Shotgun (George Ezra)
- Baby Driver (Simon & Garfunkel)
- Old Town Road - Remix (Lil Nas X, Billy Rae Cyrus)
- Fast Car (Tracy Chapman)