GoRoadie Update for September 2020
A quick behind the scenes into the latest enhancements to GoRoadie, including; instructors that offer Theory Test Pro can now list this perk on their profiles (plus an exclusive offer for GoRoadie members), we announce plans to launch in Liverpool next week, release a new product for associations and let you know about our weekly driver trainer industry updates.

List Theory Test Pro as a service on your profile
Instructors who offer Theory Test Pro to their students can now list the service on their profiles. Attract more learners by showing you provide this useful additional service to your customers.
Simply head to Update Profile, select Services and check Theory Test Pro.
To celebrate, our friends at Theory Test Pro have given 100 discount codes for 50% off any plan for 6 months, for all GoRoadie instructors! So if you're not already using Theory Test Pro, sign in to your Dashboard to redeem your discount code and give it a spin today!
Our thanks to Theory Test Pro for this lovely gesture.
GoRoadie to launch in Liverpool next Sunday
On Sunday the 29th, GoRoadie will launch in Liverpool on Sunday the 27th of September.
We're delighted to be coming out of lockdown strong and are able to expand our service, used by hundreds of instructors across 5 UK cities, into a new location.
If you know any instructors in and around Liverpool, let them know we're on our way!
Thank you to all the driving instructors who has supported us so far and have been asking us when we'll launch in Liverpool. The wait is almost over!
GoRoadie announce Association Hub, a new service for associations
Instructors have told us for years how it can be an isolating job.
Coming out of lockdown, it has become even harder instructors to connect with their peers, especially with restrictions in test centres.
We've wondered how we can connect more local instructors together, until one day we realised that the solution already exists. Driving instructor associations exist across the country and truly bring communities together.
We worked with associations large and small to create a new product that helps these associations better communicate and connect with their members.
It's free to try out and will remain free for smaller associations. If you're a member of an association, let them know about it or ask them to get in touch for a demo.
Find out more about Association Hub.
Weekly Roundabout – Your driver training instructors news summary
We also started summarising the most important industry news that ADIs and PDIs care about, in a super easy to digest format.
We've done four so far and would love to know what you think. You can check out the latest update here!
Follow us on Facebook to get the updates when they're released.