GoRoadie Update February 2021
A quick news update from what's been happening with the professional driving instructor service GoRoadie during February 2021. From our Webinars to an update to the financial fund for struggling ADIs and PDIs.

Helping ADIs & PDIs Fund Update
Last month we let you know of two ADIs, Bobbie Hicks and Susan McDonald, have setup a fund for driving instructors that are struggling to make ends meet. After raising more than £23,500 they have started receiving applications to from instructors for some of the money. If you either wish to donate or request financial support, you can now do so through their website.
Time to increase your prices?
This month we analysed our data and looked at the state of the market. Now could be a great time to increase your hourly lesson price - due to the market demand expected in the coming months.
Have a look at our blog post about increasing your lesson prices and why not log in and update them on your profile.
Back to Work Webinar
With a date listed in England for a potential return to work, we have a Webinar taking place next week (Thursday March 4th 2021 at 3pm), that focuses on preparing your driving school for getting back into gear.
It features Mike Spooner from the Driving Instructor Show, Tony Poole from Leeds Driving Instructor Association and Jaimmie Sherrif from Edinburgh and Lothian's Driving Instructor Association. We will give away plenty of actionable tips and will be taking questions from the experts.
Spaces are limited, and so far 40+ instructors have signed up.
You can attend for FREE, register now.
Our Super Secret Project
So don't tell anyone but we are working on something really exciting that we can't fully announce just yet. But, what we can say is we are looking for ADIs to help take part in direct this new project.
If you're interested in giving us a hand and shaping the vision, please let us know and registering your interest here.